The Kayak Center
The Kayak Center fuses architecture to the landscape by blurring the separation between site and structure creating harmony between the two. The Center becomes a community hub that supports learning, play and family through a shared experience.

An embrace comforts and holds. The architecture cradles the river creating a calm space within the natural chaos. This calm creates a space for children and beginners to feel safe within the water. and when it opens up, the user now has the confidence to brave the uncontrolled environment.

Architecture is connecting users - kayakers, students, and all non-kayak community members. Thunderbolt is a strong community of people dedicated to preserving their history, connecting to the land and cultivating a place that every generation can be proud to call home. The program allows for multi-generational spaces dedicated to education. Education about the land creates a connection to it through knowledge. From the classroom which opens to the porch, to the green space with a view of the river, down the grassy steps and to the dock itself. All of these spaces are a place to educate about the river, the flora and fauna, kayaking and the community itself.

Launch is a clear direction which is made obvious by your user group. The flow is intuitive with all roads leading to the river. Launch stems from the major activity of the center which is as a Kayak Center. The act of launching the kayak into the water inspired this conceptA guide with or without direction. Passerby to launch into a connected experience with the center.